Vancouver Washington air duct cleaning customers can get a great price & great service!
Vancouver Washington air duct cleaning customers can get a great price and still get great air duct cleaning service thanks to portable vent cleaning equipment!
There are 3 basic pricing tiers and level’s of service for Vancouver Wa air duct cleaning customers to choose from:
-Low priced, low service vent cleaning:
Yes, a Vancouver Washington homeowner can find air duct cleaning for as cheap as $99 for their “Whole House!”. But, you might as well save your money and do the best job you can yourself with your personal vacuum. Just based on fuel costs & Washington State L&I rates alone, it is impossible for a company based in Vancouver Washington to offer air duct cleaning at these prices and still be a legitimate business. These companies survive by hiring underpaid undertrained air duct cleaning “techs”, using base model shop vac and equipment that most homeowners have lying around their garage, and worst of all, an aggressive sales tactic. There is no way a Vancouver Washington Vent Cleaning company can possibly turn a profit or even break out of the red if they are truly doing “Whole house Vancouver Washington Air Duct Cleaning for only $99!!” as advertised. If it sounds like a scam, it is. If you are inclined to call companies running these specials, ask them about equipment, training, any hidden costs our fees and how long they have been in business. It only takes a minute to check the BBB to see if they have been reported. \
-High priced, good service Vancouver Washington vent cleaning:
The old fashioned truck mounted air duct cleaning machines costs alot to maintain, and are a very high initial investment. The truck mounted systems use a gas powered motor on a massive vacuum mounted to the truck. It does create a very high suction. A large diameter hose is ran to the furnace, where a large hole is cut into the furnace sheetmetal so the hose can be mounted. Typically, one tech will run the vacuum, while another will go thru each vent with a cordless drill and a whip with a brush on it to agitate the debris inside the ducting. Some Vancouver Washington air duct cleaning outfits use an air injection nozzle to break loose debris inside the duct insteat of a whip, both accomplish the same task. In our local SW Washington market, from what I have seen the companies using the truck mounted systems do have a great reputation and strive to do good work. Keep in mind, the only suction point is at the furnace. This means that while smaller debris will prob make the long travel thru the ductwork to the furnace and eventually their suction hose, what about the larger debris? Or even worse, what about the sticky debris containing molds & bacterias? There is just no way moldy sticky food particles or larger debris is going to travel the entire length of ductwork from one suction point. My opinion, for this type of air vent cleaning, you will pay more and there will still be larger debris & sticky pieces in corners and bends of the ductwork.
Mid level pricing with top of the line service:
Portable air duct cleaning machines have truly changed the industry! They are about twice the size of a normal shopvac, and have two of the same powerful motors you will find inside of coin-op carwash vacs. A drive motor inside the machine spins a cable routed thru the vacuum hose. At the end of the hose is typically a quick-connect fitting so that brush sizes can be matched perfectly to duct sizes. There is no invasive hole being cut into the furnace. The vacuum suction is directly behind the brush that knocks debris loose, so the sticky nasty debris never has a chance to settle & stick before it is sucked up into the hose. The portable machines take half the time to set up & tear down, so we are able to reduce labor costs and pass the savings onto our Vancouver Washington air duct cleaning customers!
Don’t pay more for less, don’t pay less just to get ripped off! If you have any questions, please contact us anytime
360-263-5600 or 503-680-0195