What are the costs for Air Duct Cleaning & Dryer vent cleaning Vancouver Washington?
Of course on of the first questions a customer asks when calling: What are the costs for air duct cleaning & dryer vent cleaning Vancouver Washington?
We see many different ways to charge for air duct cleaning & dryer vent cleaning in Vancouver Washington. Many companies charge by the square footage, or length of heating runs, size of ducting, etc.
We decided early on to keep our billing very simple for air duct cleaning. We charge per heat vent and per return air vent. Dryer vent cleaning charges range slightly based on length of ducting and difficulty. Before you call, walk around your home and count all the heat supply registers, and count up the larger cold air returns. If you have an exact number, we can give you an exact quote for vent cleaning over the phone. Don’t worry if you miss a vent or two, our per vent air duct cleaning prices are very low and we can alter the billing upon completion of the job.
Beware any air duct cleaning company offering whole house duct cleaning Vancouver Washington for $99 or similar ads!! They are ALWAYS a scam. Most of these companies will show up in a pickup truck with a shop vac. Without the proper duct cleaning equipment, your just throwing your hard earned money away.
Give us a call today at 360-263-5600 or 503-680-0195
Check out our website at jandmservices.us