Gas Piping Portland Oregon, by specializing it’s much more affordable
Gas piping Portland Oregon average costs were approx $1,400 or more to add a single gas line to your Portland Oregon area homes existing gas system. J&M Services is the first company in the NW to specialize in ONLY Gas Piping Portland Or & Vancouver Washington. We have standard low rates with an easy to understand pricing tier utilizing a base rate & footage pricing. That job to your new Natural Gas Range that would have been over $1,400 is now a fraction of the costs, and done by a company that ONLY does Gas Piping Portland Oregon & Vancouver Washington. Specializing gives us an obvious edge in knowledge, and a huge edge in purchasing power as well. Our gas pipe is delivered via flatbed truck several times a month. Don’t pay a companies overhead that must purchase every last fitting just for your gas line installation! Not only is our gas pipe brought in by the flatbed, but all of our gas pipe fittings are purchased by the case. Just one more way we can pass savings on to you!
Our average time on a standard Gas Piping Portland Oregon new gas line to a Natural Gas Range is 2-4 hours. We have only the best tools, the most trained Technicians in our specific trade and Vans specifically set up for Gas Piping only!
Our original goal as a company was to be the first & best Gas Piping Portland Oregon & Vancouver Washington specialty company, and to bring the price of standard Gas Piping to a level many more people could afford! We also do custom Gas Piping, including outdoor propane or natural gas entertainment, underground gas lines, radiant gas heaters, and much more. We just completed a fire on top of water custom gas feature in the middle of a large pong in our customers backyard. Still, our main focus is too offer professional Gas Piping services to the Portland Oregon & SW Washington metro areas at a never before seen affordable prices.
Search the web, we’ve got hundreds of happy customer reviews!
Good luck with your project,
Jeremiah Doty, owner
503-680-0195 Portland Oregon customers, or call 360-263-5600 for our SW Washington customers
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